Optimal Fitness Over 50

Learn to Nordic Walk

Strength Train for a Stronger You!

Nordic Walking is for Everyone!

Check out our class options for 2024.

Tap to View Illinois Classes. Register Now!

What IS Nordic Walking and why should I consider?


By adding poles to produce an incredible upper body workout, Nordic Walking takes regular AND fitness walking to the next level.  You’ll enjoy building endurance, while strengthening core, arms, chest, back, buttocks and legs. Nordic Walking improves posture and general walk gait while also taking stress off of your ankles, knees and hips. Burning up to 46% more calories than regular walking without increased exertion, you may find yourself feeling amazed at what a pair of poles can help you accomplish!


Who can do Nordic Walking? Short answer is EVERYONE who walks!


While Nordic walking is a great fitness activity for those who are active, there's also benefit to those who've had joint replacement, or post-stroke and other movement challenges.


What does a Nordic Walking class series look like?


Each class is one hour. The first class is an overview of regular walking with practice as we break down the basics of “how to walk”. We then build on these points with a warm up and the last 10 minutes of class is spent with the introduction of the poles. Each class after builds on techniques of Nordic Walking. By the end of the class series you will be able to Nordic Walk with confidence and enjoy all the benefits for years to come!

Click on a tab above to register for either group classes or private lessons. Contact Shari with any questions.


What kind of poles are used?


Nordic Walking poles are very specific to the sport. These poles either have a mesh strap connected to the handle, OR, for those who may have gripping challenges such as arthritis, an ergonomic handle with a ledge is recommended. The tips of the poles are very specific to Nordic Walking as they are slanted, as opposed to a flatter tip for trekking.

Poles are provided during each class with the option to purchase. You can also purchase the Leki mesh strap on my website, or each type directly from me, as stock allows. Please contact Shari for more information regarding which pole type is best for you.

Nordic Walking Builds Endurance, Strength and More

Here in the US, Nordic Walking has quickly become a popular outdoor fitness activity among Baby Boomers. It's as easy as walking out your front door! You can do Nordic Walking anytime, anywhere, in any season!

Adding poles to regular walking gives a bonus of many healthful benefits, including these top three:

  • Reduces stress on lower joints
  • Uses upper body strength
  • Burns 20%-46% more calories than regular walking

By combining regular walking with the poles, the entire body gets involved. Additional benefits include;

  • Tones the muscles of the core and upper body (arms)
  • Enhances posture and balance
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Increased endurance with seemingly no extra effort than regular walking

As with any new fitness activity or sport, there are specific techniques to learn. While Nordic Walking has it's own learning curve, Certified Nordic Body Instructor, Shari Greenberg, can teach you the proper techniques in three weeks. Once you have finished a group class series, and learned the basics, you can practice Nordic Walking on your own or in a Nordic Walking Club.


Nordic Walking Benefits

Nordic walking is a great workout for people at all ages, at all fitness levels, from those new to exercise, and to those who are athletes.

Here are even more reasons to consider Nordic Walking:

Nordic Walking is a low-impact activity, which makes it ideal for people who want to avoid putting too much strain on their lower body joints. Using poles helps reduce stress off hips, knees and ankles. Nordic Walking is helpful to those with arthritis, recovering from an injury or even a joint replacement. For those who engage in more rigorous fitness activities, Nordic Walking is a great way to take an active rest day, although you may be surprised to find what a workout Nordic Walking can be!

Nordic Walking can also promote mental well-being and more confidence:

Once techniques are learned, Nordic Walking can become meditative in it's natural rhythm of movement. Studies support a reduction of feelings of stress. Upon surveys, participants have reported feeling more confident in their balance, even when walking without poles! Still, other studies have supported using Nordic Walking poles show a significant decrease in fall risk.

Learn the proper technique

As certified Fitness Specialists for over 30 years, we have a passion to work with those who seek lifelong fitness and wellness. Whether you wish to participate in one of our Nordic Walking groups, or live online NordicBody Fitness Training, contact us today to get started. 

We are excited to offer Nordic Walking classes in a group setting, or individually. Come learn how adding poles to a regular walking routine gives results of a total body workout! The benefits are endless.

Currently  we are teaching more people to Nordic Walk, which eventually will lead to building a Nordic Walking Club for social and fitness enjoyment. This will encourage you to keep your skills sharp and provides a sense of community in a group setting.   

Check out our current Spring/Summer Illinois offerings, starting  May 2024 in the Chicago area. Be sure to check back October 2024 for upcoming presentations and classes in the greater Naples area for January-April 2025 classes.

If you live in a community or have an organization that would be interested in hosting a presentation about Nordic walking, please contact Shari. Shari is also available to come to your neighborhood community or park with a group of 5 or more people.

You may book a class online or contact Shari with any questions.

Nordic Walking Fitness is a Total Body Workout

While regular walking only works the lower body, using poles engages your upper body muscles as well as your core. Studies have shown Nordic Walking programs reduces body fat, increases heart rate, endurance, and overall cardiovascular health.

This total-body workout also helps with balance and stability, which is great for people who are prone to falls or experience problems with coordination. Furthermore, poles provide extra stability. Walking with two poles is like adding an extra two legs, giving you four points of contact!

Our Nordic Walking classes are taught outdoors, in a group setting, with 8 classes over the course of 4 weeks. Participants will learn a new technique each session to build the necessary skills used in Nordic Walking. Call it a skill for the rest of your life!


Optimal Fitness Over 50

Fitness for those over 50

Enhance Your Quality of Life with Our Strength Training Exercises

Under the NordicBody program, founded by Malin Svensson, you will quickly see our approach to strength training is unique from others. Malin is also a celebrity trainer, one being Jane Fonda, the fitness queen herself! With an injury-free emphasis, Malin designs our program which will take you through through nine specific exercises that change monthly. With three levels for each exercise, you decide which level works for you. Through the four (sometimes 5) weeks of the month, the exercises increase intensities to keep your body moving toward a stronger, steadier and more confident YOU! The best part? we use minimal home gym equipment such as resistance bands,

dumbbells, a mat, chair, and a few other pieces depending on the exercises of the month.

To gain the most benefits, our clients typically train with us 2-3 times per week, either with one of four weekly classes offered, or using the one recorded workout specific to the month.

Please check out NordicBody.com/calendar to get started, where you may sign up directly on the online calendar of class offerings. Give us try!

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I had been curious about Nordic Walking for a while and was lucky to find Shari. Her extensive knowledge, thorough instructions, and warm demeanor make learning a pleasure. Shari teaches the correct form for getting the most out of Nordic Walking, explaining how each aspect works. It's a great workout that can be done in any season and Shari is the perfect teacher. Do yourself a favor and learn Nordic Walking from Shari.


Shari is an amazing Nordic Walking trainer! She has impeccable credentials, is patient, instructive, and most importantly, makes training fun. I would highly recommend taking her Sampler to get the basics, and then the more intensive four day class. Nordic Walking is the exercise wave of the future, and taking Shari’s classes is a great way to learn this fun fitness trend.

Mary Ann

"Shari has been my personal trainer for over 7 years. She is attuned to what will enhance my body mechanics and make it fun. When Shari introduced Nordic walking, I was inspired by her passion. Since, adding Nordic walking to my wellness plan. my balance, coordination, rhythm and flow in movement has vastly improved. I have become fond of Nordic walking for the ease & portability it offers while expending double the calories since it works both my upper and lower body at the same time. That is important, since I am a busy physician seeking to age in good health."


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